Perhaps your staff member is the wrong fit for the job, a poor performer, bully, or damaging your company’s reputation.
Most employers will need to exit employees at some stage but are unsure how to do it properly. Many employers avoid negotiating exits for fear facing a personal grievance.
In this course, find out how to and manage the exit of problem employees with less stress, by negotiating an exit settlement.
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive guide for HR and managers to exiting problem employees through negotiation or mediation.
Our employment lawyer will discuss why you should consider exit settlements for problem employees, with guidance on how to reduce the risk of a personal grievance.
Participants will find out how to prepare for negotiation and mediation and conduct a risk assessment of both parties’ positions.
We will focus on how to resolve matters by way of a record of settlement for a successful outcome. Consider terms of settlement that protect your company and ensure the exit agreement is full and final.
This course gives practical guidance to address issues that commonly arise during negotiation and mediation.
Consider practical ways to protect confidential information, company property, and reputation when a problem employee leaves your organisation.
What To Expect
Join employment lawyer Julia Shallcrass on this virtual half day course. We will explore case law and case studies to show you how to properly exit problem employees.
Concepts and case law will be introduced by the presenter and applied through case studies and discussion. Attendees will receive a digital workbook including activities and can ask questions virtually during the live seminar. This course involves Q&A and activities for you to discuss in small groups.
This course complements our Managing Poor Performers course which focuses on the performance review process.