Managing Workplace Conflict

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This engaging virtual course equips you with the skills to resolve disputes confidently, turning conflict into opportunities for collaboration and growth. 

Explore the root causes of conflict, from miscommunication to competing priorities, to prevent minor issues from escalating into larger disputes.

Learn practical techniques to manage challenging situations effectively. Enhance your communication skills through active listening and, assertive communication, to ensure clarity and understanding.  

This course will help you can navigate difficult conversations, mediate disputes, and foster a healthier, more collaborative work environment.

Presented by employment lawyer Julia Shallcrass, this course will help you comply with employment and health and safety legislation for a healthy and safe workplace.  Find out how to manage situations relating to bullying, harassment, and employee well-being.

This course provides communication strategies and hands-on exercises, so you can follow structured steps to facilitate productive discussions between conflicting parties and mediate difficult conversations with ease. Consider useful strategies and five styles of conflict resolution for managing interpersonal conflict in the workplace.

Explore various conflict resolution strategies, including mediation, negotiation techniques, and problem-solving methods to achieve positive outcomes.

What To Expect

Presented by employment law expert Julia Shallcrass, this course features practical exercises and real-world scenarios, so you can practice conflict resolution in a supportive setting.

By the end of the course, you’ll feel confident managing workplace conflict and guiding employees through difficult situations.  This course will help you foster a healthier and more collaborative work environment.

All personal development events are subject to HRNZ Terms and Conditions.

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You Will Learn:

  • Identify the root causes of workplace conflict such as miscommunication and competing priorities to prevent escalation.
  • Enhance communication skills through active listening and assertive techniques.
  • Navigate difficult conversations through structured steps, and mediate disputes with confidence.
  • Apply conflict resolution strategies such as mediation, negotiation, and problem-solving to achieve positive outcomes.
  • Comply with employment law and health & safety regulations, especially related to bullying, harassment, and well-being.
  • Manage interpersonal conflicts effectively using the Thomas-Kilmann instrument with five styles of conflict resolution.
  • Create a collaborative workplace that fosters staff engagement, positive wellbeing and productivity.
  • Build confidence through practical exercises and case studies that reflect common workplace conflict.

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